
Global Matters (Term 4 only)

Tutor: Rev Dr Katalina Tahaafe-Williams

Dr Martin Luther King Jnr famously said: ‘Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.’ Dr King’s words aptly describe so much of the world we live in today. This class offers an opportunity to engage in open, informed, respectful and stimulating discussion about the big global issues we face in the 21st century from world poverty to human trafficking, from climate justice to sustainability, from capitalism and economic development to Indigenous Spirituality, from migration, displacement, and refugees to population growth, from contemporary forms of colonisation and imperialism to nationalist populism, from religious fundamentalism to xenophobia and secularism… and so on. The list is certainly extensive. We will map global trends to inform our conversations and each topic will be explored through various lens including cultural, political, sociological,16 philosophical, and theological perspectives. Each of the seven weeks will have a thematic focus. A weekly guide will be distributed to the group prior to the class that will include the theme and at least two short articles to help students prepare and identify important points to raise in class. Our learning approach will be creative, interactive, and fun.

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